Blackie Spit Park in Surrey, British Columbia

Blackie Spit Park in Surrey, British Columbia

It is situated along the shores in Boundary Bay Blackie Spit Park is an educational and recreation park that has an off-leash dog zone. The park also has numerous bird species. This is why Blackie Spit is one of the most popular birding spots in Canada. This region is home to over 200 bird species that fly through the area on a regular basis. In the fall and spring it’s a very popular destination for birds that migrate. It’s also a element of the Pacific Flyway.

Alongside the off-leash dog swimming area, there’s an area with an enclosed shelter as well as tennis courts. There’s also a 5 kilometre nature trail that loops about the pit. The trail leads until Dunsmuir Gardens. In the time of migration, Blackie Spit is a stopping point for birds. In winter and the fall it’s an excellent spot to view Harbour Seals.

The area also plays host to Dunsmuir Community Gardens which is the parklands that were established by the City Council in 1996. The gardens are home to a range of historical structures. It includes the earlier Crescent Beach Hotel, which was a resort for summer with a swathe of summer cottages. The building was transformed into a parkland in the year 1996 in a referendum that was a vote for the entire city. The garden also is filled with cultural and natural heritage.

The park has two off-leash dog areas and a dog beach and an off-leash dog park with a large enclosure. There are also trails for dog owners to explore. The dog off-leash pool is the only one within the town that permits dogs to swim off a leash. The off-leash dog swim area is only open to dogs to swim when tides are in. There are also numerous gates that double. Additionally the dog off-leash area is the only off-leash swimming area in Surrey which is completely off-leash in the daytime.

The park is open to visitors through a nature trail that runs along the railway tracks as well as the shoreline. It is a wonderful spot to view various sand dune ecosystems. It is also a preferred spot for birds migrating to. It is a popular birding spot which is frequented by thousands of people each year. It’s also member of the tracking Surrey’s Biodiversity umbrella project.

The park is maintained as a conservation area for wildlife. It’s also designated as an Environmentally sensitive area, which is recognized as a vital habitat for birds that migrate as well as threatened animals and rare species of plants. To protect the natural environment, bikes aren’t permitted. It is also a favorite location for a family excursion. Visitors should be wary of going to the beach.

There are many initiatives planned in the near future for the area. They include habitat enhancement including drilling a slough that runs that runs between the two dykes. It is also part of tracking Surrey’s Biodiversity Umbrella Project which is a joint venture with City Council, the Surrey Museum as well as Tracking BC.

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